Health Care Providers: A Critical Link To Safety for Forced Marriage Survivors

This webinar provides an in-depth perspective on challenges that survivors of forced marriage experience. Participants will be able to describe forced and child marriage and its intersections with other forms of abuse, articulate the health impacts of forced and child marriage, and demonstrate an understanding of best practices when it comes to screening and response to survivors and individuals at risk to reduce and prevent future harm in a healthcare setting. Dr. Batool completed a qualitative investigation intended to assess how forced marriages influence women’s physical and psychological well-being. This research provides deep insight on survivor’s experience and overall well-being.

The webinar was funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP), grant number 90ZV0142 and produced by the Tahirih Justice Center. The contents of this webinar are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of HHS.

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