
Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children

Author: HM Government (United Kingdom)

Publication: March 2013

This document provides a guide to the legislative requirements and expectations on individual services in the UK to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; and a clear framework for Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to monitor the effectiveness of local services. This guide contains three subsections on forced marriage.

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Child, Early and Forced Marriage: A Multi-Country Study

Author: Women Living Under Muslim Laws

Publication: December 15th, 2013

This study provides an in-depth look at child, early, and forced marriage in multiple countries in South Asia and Africa, including Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, and North Sudan.

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Child Marriage in South Asia: International and Constitutional Legal Standards and Jurisprudence for Promoting Accountability and Change

Author: The Center for Reproductive Rights

Publication: 2013

This report focuses on the issue of child marriage in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, and outlines government obligations to be accountable for such abuses.

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Human trafficking involving marriage and partner migration to Australia

Author: Samantha Lyneham & Kelly Richards

Publication: The Australian Institute of Criminology, Research and Public Policy Series, #124 (May 20, 2014)

This study outlines the issue of human trafficking involving marriage and partner migration. The findings illustrate that some women immigrating to Australia as good faith spouses are trafficked and exploited through domestic servitude or sex work.

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Empowering Girls: What the Commonwealth can do to end early and forced marriage

Author: Royal Commonwealth Society & Plan International

Publication: September 29, 2011

This guide provides recommendations for actions the Commonwealth can take to end the practices of early and forced marriage in Australia.

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