Protecting the Girl Child: Using the law to end child, early and forced marriage and related human rights violations
Author: Equality Now
Publication: January 2014
This report highlights the disastrous effects of child, early, and forced marriages in countries around the world, and what can be done to stop this practice.
What is a Forced Marriage?
Author: Forced Marriage Unit (United Kingdom)
This brief information packet defines forced marriage and answers frequently asked questions about the issue.
What is a Forced Marriage? (LGBT)
Author: Forced Marriage Unit (United Kingdom)
This brief document provides information on forced marriage in the LGBT community, including resources and survivor stories.
Forced Marriage: A Survivors Handbook
Author: Forced Marriage Unit (United Kingdom)
A UK guide for survivors of forced marriage, including information about safety planning, shelter, and finding employment. A resource list for forced marriage survivors in the UK can be found at the end of this publication.
Ending Forced Marriage
Author: Max Wind-Cowie, Phillida Cheetham, & Thomas Gregory – Demos
Publication: 2012
This report gives an overview of forced marriage, as well as UK and international initiatives to address the issue, and provides policy recommendations for the UK government.