Tag : Civil Protections

Variation in State Laws on Access to Civil Protection Orders for Adolescents Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence

Authors: Avanda Adhia et al.

Publication: January, 2020

This report, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, examines the availability of civil protection orders to minors in dating relationships across all 50 states and Washington, D.C. The authors find that while 48 states allow minors to obtain CPOs, only 14 states explicitly allow them to file for a protection order on their own behalf. Read more.

Restraining Forced Marriage

Author: Lisa V. Martin

Publication: May 30, 2018

This report, published in the Nevada Law Journal, is the first to undertake a detailed evaluation of the viability of civil protection orders to prevent and redress forced marriage in the United States. Although protection orders show promise as a tool to prevent and redress forced marriage in many states, Martin writes, the nuances of the governing legal standards reduce the practical utility of the remedy for those who lack expert guidance. To enhance the accessibility of protection orders in a forced marriage context, Martin recommends that states create a new forced marriage protection order to address the specific needs of those facing this problem.

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Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007

Author: HM Government (United Kingdom)

Publication: July 16th, 2007

This act outlines civil provisions for protecting individuals against being forced to enter into marriage without their free and full consent and for protecting individuals who have been forced to enter into marriage without such consent.

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